Robbies project is the bouncing egg. You put an egg in vinegar and one and water and you see the difference between the 2 eggs. The Egg in vinegar should bounce after being in the vinegar for 7
days . We found out today it did not work in our case when we tried to make the egg bounce it burst open. I thought Robbie was going to cry at first thinking his project was ruined. His little mind started to work and he just grinned and said I guess I proved this theory wrong. I was so glad he was OK .

Now it's Ben's turn Our sweet Ben was nowhere to be found Saturday afternoon. I started to panic after we had looked all over the house and all over the neighborhood. I was at the point that I was going to freak out. I don't know why I decided to look in the laundry room but I did and this is how he was found.
Last but not least My biggest boy has started a Blog Inn The Wilderness. Go check it out. It might be fun.
You didn't tell me your husband was born in Nebraska! Where at in this big old flat state? And, I didn't realize you owned an Inn either, I need to do more snooping. Cute Ben pic, I love boys!
Sorry Jill LOL
We don't own the Inn yet We are in the Processes of acquiring the land. We hope to have it up and running in 2 years.
My Hubby's Mother was raised in Lincoln We use to go up there all the time when we lived in Kansas. My DH was born in Omaha.
Looks like the boys are having a lot of fun with their experiments! The egg looks nasty! Did it smell? Pretty cool info about finger prints.
If you do open an Inn, I'm going to have to save some money and come stay there! :)
p.s. I tagged yoU! check out my blog!
Love the science projects! Neina is studying Bauer's toy preference, which may prove to be very useful. I think we go through dog toys faster than food. :\
Ben is so cute! Glad he was found safe! Did he smell like Snuggle?
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